We celebrate babies with Down syndrome by:
Since 2014, we have celebrated over 9,000 babies across all 50 states and over 40 countries.
Babies Celebrated
Down Syndrome Medical Champions
Parent Volunteers
Countries With Baskets
From Our Families
Beckett’s Story
After our prenatal diagnosis I went on a path of discovery with “what is my family dynamic going to be”
Kahnu’s Story
Jack’s Basket was more than beautiful baby gifts. It was a wealth of resources and assurance that all would be well.
Copelan’s Story
When you find out your child has Down syndrome, you feel like you have been shipped to a deserted island.
We cannot do this without you!
At Jack’s Basket, we believe every baby born with Down syndrome is worthy of celebration from the very beginning. Your support ensures that our baskets are always available at no cost to families and that our team can engage in vital outreach to medical providers around the country.