Tabetha, You Make Me Better

Tabetha is an amazing young lady; she brings a smile everywhere she goes. From the moment she wakes up, she has a smile on her face.

Tabetha loves to sing, dance, and act. When we are out everyone wants to talk with Tabetha. She has friends at all the stores we shop because they just love her.

Tabetha has been such a joy to watch grow into a young lady, Tabetha is 36 and always tells me on her birthday that she is almost the next age. She has a sister who is 34 and is an auntie to two nephews, whom she loves very much.

She loves to watch Disney movies, go to dances and go to Church. She also enjoys being with her boyfriend, Robert, who has Down syndrome too.

Tabetha brings so much love and joy to others. Tabetha is such a blessing to me she is my sunshine.
-Karen, Tabetha’s Mom

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