Paxton, You Make Me Better

I have always dreamed of having babies and being a mom. At twenty weeks when I was pregnant with Paxton, it was recommended that we get some more imaging done after our ultrasound. After quite a few appointments and phone calls, we found out there was a 97% chance our newest son would be born with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). We were also told that he would be born with a heart defect, which is the case for about 50% of kiddos with Down syndrome.

Truthfully, we didn’t really know how to feel about that news. We just wanted our baby to be okay, especially with the heart defect. Throughout my pregnancy, when we shared this news people would say they were sorry as a way to show they cared. We have been blessed by the most caring friends and family through and through, but never once did I want them to be sorry about our baby. I know this was meant with good intent and they were likely sorry that we were going through something unexpected and the fear of unknowns is scary. However, one of my favorite responses to sharing that Pax has Down syndrome was “You are in for such a treat!”. I remember how encouraging that was for me.

Pax is the most gentle, precious fighter there is and he has already been so strong in his little life. We have felt so many emotions but sorry has never been one of them, as we know our child was fearfully and wonderfully made. He was designed just for us, with his designer genes rocking an extra 21st chromosome. There are no surprises or mistakes made by our good, good creator.

We are so thankful for the brave and vulnerable people who have created organizations like Jack’s Basket; who choose to celebrate all babies like our Paxton and share their stories. During my pregnancy, after receiving our basket, it was the first resource that shared REAL experiences, babies, and their families who have walked this walk. It encouraged me that things were going to be okay and gave helpful resources instead of just scary information and outdated statistics.

 Having spent quite a bit of time at the Children’s Hospital of Minnesota before his heart surgery and some feeding/respiratory challenges early on in his life, we were often connected with doctors, nurses, and other providers who were closely connected to Jack’s Basket. The second they asked, “Have you heard of Jack’s Basket?” it was like a breath of fresh air and excitement! We were so blessed to be working with medical providers who gave news and care in an unbiased, educated, and informed way and who were head over heels in love with our baby and all he was, not looking at him as just a diagnosis.

Though some days are hard, there is SO much good in every day with our Pax. He has challenged us to think in new ways and to meet new people. He looks so much like his big brother. He gives the best smiles at exactly the perfect time. We already can’t imagine our life without our sweet boy in it. We can’t wait to keep watching him shake our world and move in MIGHTY ways. Let’s keep working hard to change the narrative around Down syndrome and celebrate our worthy kiddos!

-Alex, Paxton’s Mom (Iowa)

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