Jack, You Make Me Better
“When I need something, Jack is always there for me and when I’m feeling sad, he always cheers me up. He’s always so kind to me and helpful – that’s h
Eliza, You Make Me Better
“Eliza makes me better in every way. She makes me happier, more loving, I slow down and I see the tiny little things that I think often go unnoticed. She just reminds me that
Ella, You Make Me Better
“Ella is such a light, she is just a joy to be around. She is so loving and very friendly. She’s so easygoing and doesn’t get too upset about anything. She’
Maggie, You Make Me Better
“Maggie, you make me better. You’ve made the quality of my life so much deeper – you’ve brought me friendships, you’ve shown me perseverance in really
Lewis, You Make Me Better
“I remember getting to the point of thinking “why not us?” and thinking through all the things we would have as a family to offer our baby, and what he could offe
Ava, You Make Me Better
“I would tell Ava that her middle name describes her well. Her name is Ava Joy, and she’ll tell everyone that her middle name is Joy. She’s brought so much joy to
Henry, You Make Me Better
“Today he’s ten; soak in the ten-year-old year. Don’t try to figure out 10 years from now. That’ll take a lot of the joy away, trying to figure out somethin
Fear Creates Purpose
July is Disability Pride Month. While I wish that we could simply celebrate those with disabilities every day, it does offer a good chance to reflect. This post combines thoughts f
Jack’s Basket, Non-profit Supporting Babies Born with Down Syndrome, KCBS Radio, 07/13/24
https://vimeo.com/984482157?share=copy Our Director of Programs & Development, Lisa Nevin, recently spoke with KCBS Radio’s Jennifer Hodges to share more about the missi
Hello, Goodbye
At the beginning of the year I did an exercise called Hello, Goodbye by Jo Saxton and Stephanie O’Brien, where I was given an opportunity to look back at the previous year. A c