Paxton, You Make Me Better
I have always dreamed of having babies and being a mom. At twenty weeks when I was pregnant with Paxton, it was recommended that we get some more imaging done after our ultrasound.
Eli, You Make Me Better
Baby Eli, my proof that angels are among us. The transformation I’ve gone through mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is all because of him. My son has taught me how to be fea
Tabetha, You Make Me Better
Tabetha is an amazing young lady; she brings a smile everywhere she goes. From the moment she wakes up, she has a smile on her face. Tabetha loves to sing, dance, and act. When we
Rosie, You Make Me Better
We waited 11 years for Rosamund (Rosie!) and it was a bittersweet day to find out we had lost her twin brother, Thom, in pregnancy. We got Rosie’s diagnosis of Down syndrome
Jayce, You Make Me Better
I found out that Jayce had Down syndrome when he was born. It was no doubt a shock. I had an emergency c-section and the news did not quite hit me until a few days later. I was ner
Hannah, You Make Me Better
In October of 2023, my then 4-year-old son, Luke, said to me, “Did you know my baby sister will be here soon?” I asked, “What makes you say that?” He replied, “She told m
Jenaya, You Make Me Better
In the beginning, I was so nervous and scared about what our future looked like after getting a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. Throughout my pregnancy, I battled daily with a
Gabe, You Make Me Better
After having our daughter (after three boys) in 2018, everyone commented that our family was complete now that we had our girl. It didn’t feel complete, and we didn’t really ca
Matthias, You Make Me Better
I fell in love with Holland. I had not read this poem (Welcome to Holland by Emily Perl Kingsley) since college and as I reread it on the morning of March 21st and now as October a
Blake, You Make Me Better
My name is Kayla, and my husband is Tim. I just gave birth to our son, Blake, on September 5, 2024. Our friend, who also has a child with Down syndrome, learned that Blake had been