Connor, You Make Me Better

Initially, I wasn’t phased by the news that our son would have Down syndrome when we received our prenatal diagnosis. Then, we found out he had a heart defect and I started to research what that might be like. That was when I started crying and didn’t stop for a long time, overwhelmed with all the potential outcomes. However, Connor continued to grow and exceed expectations at every prenatal exam.
Connor continued to surprise us and exceed expectations when he was born. He didn’t need to stay in the NICU, required no oxygen support, and was allowed to go home in the normal amount of time. While it was slow progress, Connor continued to grow and stayed strong until his open heart surgery at 5 1/2 months. His AVSD repair was textbook! He had his surgery on December 4th, 2023, and 4 days later on the 8th, we were discharged because he continued to exceed the doctor’s expectations!
In just 16 months, Connor has shown me a primal level of strength and a fight to live and thrive. He is so determined, strong-willed, and curious. He’s shown me that he is so much more than his diagnosis. We know God has big plans for him. In addition to opening my heart and mind, Connor has introduced me to a brand-new community. His Down syndrome diagnosis has brought me mom friends across the country who are all so supportive and amazing. I’m so thankful for everything this journey has taught me, and the wonderful people it’s added to our lives.
-Shanna, Connor’s Mom (South Carolina)
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