Celebrating Baby Sofia
“We received her diagnosis during an already challenging time in our lives, and had no idea what to expect. Little did we know that we were in for the biggest blessing and gift o
The Years Go By Fast
As another school year begins, I find myself at this stage of parenting experiencing the old adage, the years go fast. Jack will be starting 4th grade and the amount of growth that
Caleb’s Story
“I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the incredible basket of goodies you sent to celebrate our baby son, Caleb. Not only was it full of lovely items — it was a b
What raising a child with a little extra has taught me
Motherhood is difficult and no one is quite ready for it…especially when your child comes with a little extra. Raising a child with extra needs makes me rely on others. That is
Help you, help me.
I can remember it like yesterday. Chris handed our newborn, Jack to me and had the responsibility of sharing the news I wasn’t expecting: “They think he has Down syndrome.” I
Happy 10th Birthday, Jack!
In ten years you’ve changed us in so many ways. From fearing to trusting. From controlling to surrendering. From focusing on the future, to living in the daily.
World Down Syndrome Day 2023
YOU MAKE ME BETTER. This is our anthem. Today, on World Down Syndrome Day (and everyday) we celebrate the lives of individuals with Down syndrome and the impact that each of them h
Never in my wildest dreams…
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that my husband and I would have three healthy and beautiful children...