Celebrating Baby N!
“Thank you for our basket and welcoming Baby N. It has been emotional for me navigating motherhood and Baby N’s Down syndrome diagnosis, but the more I talk about it t
Jack got a smiley face!
Well, Jack’s expression could sum up how I’ve been feeling about the past couple of weeks. He’s been testing boundaries in all areas and as much as school breaks are wonderfu
Celebrating Disability Pride Month
Everyday we assign value to people with our assumptions, labels, and generalizations. Oftentimes our view of others, and their worth, is based on achievement, education
“Dad, look at me”
Dads don’t get asked too many times for advice on raising a child with Down syndrome. I’m not sure why. It could be a “guy thing” like asking for directions –
“Mom, take a breath”
“Mom, take a breath.”I waited almost 8 years for Jack to have a conversation with me and this is the most common thing he says. The kid is
“You could feel the love!” Jack’s Basket 2022 Open House Recap
We invite you to enjoy this recap video to feel the love we got to experience with our community! The walls were covered with pictures of our precious babies, 100 baske
National Down Syndrome Congress
Jack’s Basket was honored by the National Down Syndrome Congress at their 2021 Gala!
Jack’s 8th Birthday. How he’s changed me.
8 years ago, I sat in a hospital bed, just having given birth to Jack by emergency c-section. Little did I know that the unexpected events of how his delivery went, would pale in c