Jayce, You Make Me Better

I found out that Jayce had Down syndrome when he was born. It was no doubt a shock. I had an emergency c-section and the news did not quite hit me until a few days later.

I was nervous and scared. I thought I was too young to have a baby with Down syndrome. I was scared of how both our lives would look.

Now it’s about 6 months later and I’m in love with this boy. You always think your soulmate is your significant other but my soulmate is Jayce. We certainly have a long journey ahead of us, as he is about to have major heart surgery, but I know that with Jayce we are going to move mountains.

He has shown me a love I did not know existed. My capacity for love has doubled! Jayce is already teaching me about patience and when he locks eyes with me I know that everything will be ok. I love my miracle baby!

-Jennie, Jayce’s Mom (California)

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