Speak Your Truth: Hope Story

Rick Smith, founder of Hope Story,  featured Carissa in the 10th episode of the Hope Story Podcast.  Take a listen here.

“This definitely was one of the best podcasts I’ve done and honored to be a partner with Hope Story in providing encouragement to new families.  Rick Smith asked the best questions regarding our dreams for Jack, sharing how he’s taught us to see people.  He highlighted the work we are doing and there are a few shoutouts to the people that have poured into the mission at Jack’s Basket, including our family and friends, and the support of the local and national Ds organizations, and reflecting on the parents before us and how they are our heroes.  Check out Hope Story and the work they are doing! It’s 37 minutes long and I promise…worth every minute.”

                                                         –  Carissa Carroll, Jack’s mom, founder & executive director

#hope #youmakemebetter #jacksbasket #celebratingbabieswithdownsyndrome

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