Why My Life Is A Gift: Kirsta’s Top Ten List 2018

We were in the brainstorming phase of the 2nd Annual Fundraiser and I had already chosen the theme, ‘Every Life is A Gift.’ Kirsta stole the show at the 1st Annual Event with her hilarious Top Ten List so I was hoping she would accept my invitation to be a part of our 2nd.  I asked her to put together a Top Ten List about her life being a gift…and did have to pause and think about that…

Can you imagine having to get up in front of a room full of people and share why your life is a gift?

No one should ever have to defend or convince anyone that their life is a gift. 

But the sad reality is that the world doesn’t always see the gift(s) in the unexpected and for that reason, we speak our truth.  Every life is a gift.    

Well, in perfect Kirsta fashion, with her sparkle and witty personality, she nailed her Top Ten List and had the room of 600 guests rolling…just like last year.  Enjoy!

Jack’s Basket 2nd Annual Fundraiser. The Depot-Minneapolis. September 29th, 2018

Why My Life Is A Gift: Kirsta’s Top Ten List 2018

Jack’s Basket asked me to come back and do another Top Ten. 

They said, “Tell us the top ten reasons your life is a gift Kirsta.”

I think that’s kinda funny but ok- here you go.

Number 10

I like to go on trips and am a great traveler. 

As long as I have my sour patch kids for my ears being plugged. 

I’ve been on around 40 plane rides.  I love going to Florida for Disney World and New York for Times Square.

Number 9

I’m a great eater. I love clams on the half shell and fish tacos and pizza and cheese puffs.  AND if you like escargot (that is snails), we’ve got that in common.

Number 7

I’m a gift because I love to boogie on down, and I’m a great dancer. 

It seems everyone likes to dance with me.  But I like to dance on my own. 

Is there a dance here tonight?   Next year!

Number 6

I make a great prom date and as you can see I have great friends. 

My mom and dad say they also have great and authentic friends because of me.  

That’s a nice gift, right?

Number 5 

Sometimes I get mad and say things I did not mean… 

Like the time when I was little and called my teacher a flu shot…and that makes me a gift because nobody is perfect.

Number 4 

My cousin Clara is at Bethel University WITH ME this year.

I am a gift to her because she’s not lonely because I’m there too, and plus I let her help me with my homework!

Number 3

My twin sisters don’t like when I take their leftovers in the fridge.

But they love me anyway and wouldn’t know what to do without my Taylor Swift music playing really loud! Life would be boring with out ME!

Number 2 

Carissa says watching my life has made her brave.  She says my sparkle makes her excited about Jack’s future.

Number 1

Drum roll please…drum roll please!  The number 1 reason I am a gift here tonight is…because none of YOU had to come up and do this speech!  I bet you’re happy about that!

Hey Miss Kirsta, your life is a gift to me and SO many people.  The world needs more people uniquely created like YOU to shine bright in this world!  Your life has worth and deserves to be celebrated, respected, and valued.  You do make me brave…you make me better.

Girl, you better dust off those dancing shoes, because the planning committee was taking notes for the 3rd Annual Event (Friday, October 11th, 2019), and we can’t wait to see that shoulder roll and shimmy of yours!

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