So besides anticipating this spring for obvious reasons like sunshine, green grass, running without layers, lemonade, etc…I was anxious to see how I felt with having 9 months of shots of pollen injected into my arm to help with my allergies! Well lets just say that unfortunately Minnesota has had the worst pollen count

So there once was a time when I was in college that I was running close to campus, it was a cloudy, drizzly afternoon and the comment, “Unhitch the trailor” came from a car filled with high school boys. I remember wearing black wind pants with another layer underneath it, a baggy jacket of some […]

So just when I am getting into the swing of training for the Turtleman Triathalon guess what shows up???? A plus sign and a solid line! Nope…not a PR on a race, or a negative split time…these signs come up when you urinate on a stick, that means…we’re pregnant! I feel like I had that […]

So it’s been at least four months since my last entry and my life has changed dramatically….like never before! Currently, I am 29 weeks pregnant and my little BOY 🙂 wants to run too! He kicks so much, which makes me smile and I know that they are only going to get harder and stronger! […]