Spreading the news, one story at a time.
Wow, what an awesome week we had! It was jammed full of fun events including a follow up story that CBS-WCCO is putting together. Without sharing too much of the story, WCCO was contacted by a young man that was inspired by the original story in 2014 and was also in the audience of one of my speaking events. He wrote how he wanted to make a positive change and make a difference. He has a brother with Down syndrome and made a huge donation on his 18th birthday in honor of his brother. It’s going to be an amazing story and I’ll make sure to post (on the Jack’s Basket Facebook page, Instagram @jacksbasket, and blog) when the story will air so stay tuned!

The very next day I met with Elizabeth Ries, host of Twin Cities Live. We met up at Yum Bakery where we had coffee and some of the most delicious Patti Cake! Oh my goodness, that was the best cake and I have to admit, I was a little nervous indulging on camera, but let’s just say after the cameras stopped rolling, I devoured! 🙂 Elizabeth is doing a series on women and invited me to be a part of it. She asked me a variety of questions about anything from being a mom, what it’s like at our home, and what drives the passion behind Jack’s Basket. It was such a great conversation and I felt like I was talking with a longtime friend. That segment should be aired in March.

To put a close on this exciting week, Twin Cities Mom Blog features a series called, I Am A Twin Cities Mom, and asked me to be a part of it. It was a great honor to be able to share what I find to be the joys and challenges of being a mom. I’ve only had the role of being a mom for 6 years, so I have a lot to learn but did my best answering her questions reflecting my genuine desire to do a good job for my family and be an encouragement to others on this journey. Along with questions about favorite date nights and what I find relaxing, I shared what brings me to my knees when reflecting on being a mom of a child with special needs. If you have a few minutes, please click the link to read more. http://twincities.citymomsblog.com/twin-cities-mom-carissa-carroll/

Lastly, on February 14th, I presented at Grand Rounds at a major hospital in the Twin Cities to the OBs and Labor and Delivery nurses. I absolutely love these opportunities and I always learn so much which motivates me to continue this work. The feedback I got from those that were in attendance was so positive! I am finding out more and more about the reasons why some families stories start the way they do, the lack of training in delivering a diagnosis, and as with everything, there are always areas of growth in how we can do this better. I think it’s time. Our families and babies deserve better. As a result of this presentation, I am attending a lunch with OBs later this week!
I’m excited to see what March has in store for Jack’s Basket and don’t forget to mark your calendars for March 21st (3/21)! It’s World Down syndrome Day! YAHOO! It’s a great day to celebrate how amazing people with Down syndrome are! Have a great week!
What story do you want to tell?
God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we
Speak Your Truth: Hope Story
Rick Smith, founder of Hope Story, featured Carissa in the 10th episode of the Hope Story Podcast.
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