Happy 10th Birthday, Jack!
In ten years you’ve changed us in so many ways. From fearing to trusting. From controlling to surrendering. From focusing on the future, to living in the daily.
You’ve helped us understand that life is lived in the process – not in the outcome. We’re all striving for “the goal”, but it is truly the little things, the overlooked milestones that make life so beautifully meaningful.
The world feels our life is full of challenges, but we see it differently. You have indeed challenged us. You’ve challenged us to change our perspective. From striving for selfish achievement to serving others. From “I have to,” to “I get to.” From finding comfort in the expected, to finding purpose in the unexpected.
One of the most impactful things you’ve taught us is to see each person as someone worthy of celebration. That a person’s value is not in what they do. Their infinite value comes in simply being who they uniquely are. Period.
Thank you for challenging us – for making us better, and giving us a perspective we wish every person could have. Happy 10th birthday, Jack! We love you!
I miss running…
So it’s been at least four months since my last entry and my life has changed dramaticallyR
18 months…Stay tuned to WCCO TV!
Wow, what a month it has been! Where do I even begin to update you on the amazing month we have
Let’s do this better. Speaking at the hospital.
September 8th. I’ve had this date starred on the calendar for over six months. *Speaking at
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