Crissy Straub
My diagnosis was much like yours. I was given the wrong prenatal screening results at first. It was until my specialist saw 2 soft markers that I questioned the results I was given. After that appointment I called my doctors office that had the test results to ask some questions. The lady says "I’m so sorry"once she opened my chart and says I can have the doctor call you." I said "no you are going to tell me." She says "I don’t want too tell you. But a doctor should have called you." I said I need you to tell me now, I’m not waiting on a doctor." She said I’m sorry to tell you that it is 98% high risk for Trisomy 21. I said "what is that?" (I had not heard it called that before) she went on to explain. It turns out that her son has trisomy 21. We talked for a little bit. She set me up and appointment for the very next Monday. I call the specialist back and he says" I wish I would have known this while you were still in my office." He proceeds to ask if I want to keep him. He also told me all the bad things that he could be born with and what he wouldn’t be able to do. My heart dropped. I then had to tell my husband. My husband does not grieve well and I knew it was going to be bad and tough. I felt so much love for my baby already. For me, I grieved the fact that he was going to be limited by those who were ignorant. He was going to be treated different than my other children, though his life is worth just as much. And I grieved the baby I thought I was going to have. My husband shrunk into himself, he didn’t want to talk or acknowledge it. I heard him crying behind closed doors. He didn’t talked to me about it until after the Max was born. It was so lonely. I grieved by myself and processed by myself because my husband couldn’t deal with it. After about a week, I decided that I was going to love him either way and that I needed to stop being sad for him. That I needed to do everything I could to take care of myself. My mother inlaw kept calling me crying. I was having to console her by this point. I tried explaining to my other children that their brother may be a little different. My best friend was a huge support. Even though I had her, I still felt like I was dealing with it on my own. I was going to appointment nonstop taking all this information I was given the good and the bad and bottling it up.
Looking back I wish I could have enjoyed my pregnancy. He has not had any heart issues. His eyes and ears are good. He is getting a sleep study scheduled for breathing issues while sleeping. For the most part he’s like my other babies. He’s sweet and easy. Everyone loves him, he’s the best baby. He’s smart, funny, and looks at me like I’m the only person in the whole world. My husband came around. A lot of his fears diminished once he had all of his specialist appointments, and everything checked out good. His siblings love him and won’t say out of his face. I related so much to your story. I am tired of the doctors telling me what he won’t be able to do. They don’t know what his potential will be as he grows. I agree that we need to change how professionals deliver the diagnosis and how they deliver information about this syndrome. Thankyou for sharing your story. There are so many with a similar story. Thankyou for making a difference.Crissy
What a beautiful powerful message coming from an amazing woman and mom. Never in a million years would I have considered the doctor’s suggestions. It’s incredible that “value” is placed on a unborn child. I love how you both handled this news. You and your families are filled with so much love and determination. Some may call it bravery. Loving a child with any so-called-differences is so much more than bravery. It is fueled by love, compassion and respect for human life. It is much more than a word. Children are NOT limited. Others have the inability to see beyond the challenge, and cannot imagine the possibilities. You are the wind beneath their wings, stretching them as far as possible to help these children blossom to their best potential. Our fears and limitations are not theirs to carry. Lisa and Joey, we admire you and feel so inspired. Much love to you and your family. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Hugs.